The Captain's Half-Caf Organic Blend

De La Finca Coffee
89 In stock
$ 8.79

Enjoy sipping delicious direct trade and organic coffee all day long with only half the caffeine! Based on our award-winning honey decaf, this blend is bold, rich, creamy and suited to all brewing styles. Expect notes of dark chocolate, maple, peach and walnut.

Size :
$ 8.79

Need a coffee you can sip on all day without the jitters? Now you can enjoy all the flavor with only half the caffeine! Better yet, this blend is entirely sourced from De La Finca family farms which means its direct trade and organic. Based on our award-winning honey decaf, this blend is a proven staple and sure to please any discerning drinker. It’s bold, creamy, rich and it’ll flex into any brewing situation you can think of. Whether you’re making after dinner lattes or making competition level pour overs, it’ll keep you coming back for more. Look for notes of dark chocolate, sweet maple, ripe peach and walnut.

Reminder! This coffee is raw, you must roast it before brewing

Arrival Date: All components from 2024 harvest season

Acidity & Brightness: Mild acidity and fairly sweet

Balance & Finish: Moderately balanced with a warm, lingering finish

Body & Texture: Rich body and creamy texture

Flavors: Dark chocolate, maple, peach, walnut

Grade: Blend of SHG coffees

Certifications: Direct trade & USDA organic

Processing: Blend of fully washed and honey processed coffees. Decaffeinated using Mountain Water Processing.

Blend Components: Blend of coffees from De La Finca family farms located in Comayagua, Honduras

Recommended Roast Range: City+ to Full City+ (light-medium to medium-dark)

We like this blend best at the Medium (Full City) roast level although this blend is comfortable with a wide roast range depending on your preference. Right at full medium you’ll experience a good balance of warm sweetness and rich body. Pushing the roast darker to 2nd crack, you’ll find a bit more body and texture along with more baker’s chocolate focused tones. Lighter roasts will favor a bit more fruit notes along with more marshmallow sweetness as well as a touch more acidity. Decaf generally doesn’t take dark roasting well so we’d suggest not going any darker than the first few snaps of 2nd crack!

The coffees in this blend were all sourced from our partner De La Finca Coffee’s family farms in Comayagua, Honduras. That means they’re all direct trade, organic and produced just for us!

The Captain's Half-Caf Organic Blend

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