quality coffee beans


When you think about it, that’s such a loaded word. Quality doesn’t necessarily mean the most expensive or the highest scoring or the latest trend. The more you learn about the coffee industry, the more you’ll find those things might be indicators of quality, but quality is actually an opinion. It certainly can’t be simplified across a grade since nearly every country of origin uses a different grading system! So what does quality mean to us?

We believe quality coffee tastes good and does good.

Ok, we get it, that just sounds like some lame corporate slogan…let’s break it down:

It means sources matter! There are lots of coffee importers in the U.S., and we’ve done the hard work to find the really great ones. The ones who have strong relationships with honest, innovative, sustainable producers. We believe in helping hard working farmers make a good living — not just because it makes the world a better place, but also because these are the farmers that produce the best coffee beans.

We believe it means fair pricing. We don’t pick the prices for our coffee willy nilly, they’re priced based on what we paid for them, not our opinions of them. If a coffee is priced at a premium, it’s because we paid a premium for it and the farmer was paid a premium. We don’t deal with anyone in the coffee supply chain who exploits producers and we certainly don’t believe in exploiting our customers! Speaking of which…

It also means building trust with our customers! If quality is just an opinion, it’s really important to us that you trust our opinion! That means we’re honest with our evaluations and we provide as much information on every coffee and product we sell so that you can make an informed decision. Because quality is based on your opinion too! We encourage your feedback and that feedback loop helps us make better purchasing choices. So reach out to us anytime!

 coffee farmer working


At The Captain’s Coffee we believe anyone can be a coffee roaster, so our mission is to inspire and empower home roasters in their journey to find their perfect cup.

Well that sounds nice and all, but what does it actually mean to us?

Coffee is a journey, not a destination, and everyone we meet is at a different place on that journey. We want to meet people where they are and guide them wherever they want to go!

Everyone’s goals with coffee are different. The perfect coffee for one person may be wildly different than for another. We want to help people reach their goals, regardless of whether it’s trendy or meets the current industry standard.

Home roasting is about putting the creative process of coffee back into the hands of the coffee drinker. From selecting the exact green beans you want and roasting those beans exactly the way you want to, all the way to choosing your favorite brew method. We want to help coffee lovers have full control over that process. That means providing education and resources on everything from farming and processing methods, to how roasting influences the flavor of those beans and finally how variables in the brewing process can draw out their desired flavor profile.

That comprehensive approach extends to how we treat everyone in the coffee community, from our customers to the farmers. We depend on our customers to support what we do. We depend on our suppliers and importers to treat us fairly. We depend on the farmers to produce amazing coffee. Therefore, we treat everyone the way we want to be treated: fairly and equally with respect, gratitude, and transparency.

Because we also believe in the strength of community. We’ve come this far in our journey because of generous members in the coffee community and it’s important to us to return that generosity in kind. But no one can possibly know everything there is to know about coffee and we should be constantly challenging assumptions and standards to grow our understanding of coffee’s potential. That means it’s important that we build and encourage spaces where the coffee community can connect and share knowledge.

Finally, we believe in accessibility. We want everyone, without exception, to feel comfortable pursuing their coffee journey. Home roasting can seem too difficult at first, but it’s really only as difficult as you want it to be! We want to lower the bar for entry and raise the ceiling for potential.

Like we said, we believe everyone can be a coffee roaster. 

Oh and we also think it’s super duper important to not take everything so seriously allll the time. When you get down to it we're just goofy coffee nerds. The only thing better than an awesome cup of coffee is a good laugh! We also believe roasting should be FUN! So…you know…add that to the list.

laughing coffee farmers

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