Guatemala Huehuetenango Rolando Sanchez

De La Finca Coffee
41 In stock
$ 8.49

There's a specific flavor profile we look for when we source Huehuetenangos, and this single farm offering from Rolando Sanchez's Finca Claima checks all the boxes. It's big and bold with a rich, buttery texture and just a drop of earthy depth. We tasted notes of dark chocolate, caramel, peach and cashew butter.

Size :
$ 8.49

Coffee from the Huehuetenango region has long been a staple in the TCC lineup. Why is coffee from this impossible to spell and difficult to pronounce region so consistently popular? Isn’t it just another clean, crisp fully washed coffee from Central America? Well, yeah, but it’s also got a bit of punch. A little rough around the edges, but in a good way. It’s got a bit more body, a bit more bite, a bit more complexity. It’s not a wet-hulled Sumatra by any means, we’re talking degrees. But degrees make a difference when you’re looking for that classic breakfast cup. You can add a bit of milk and sugar and the coffee will still shine through! Many years ago I heard it referred to as a “powerhouse” coffee and that’s always been the best word I’ve heard to describe it. And that’s why Huehuetenango coffee has become an integral base for our Espresso and House Blend (whoops, giving away company secrets out here!).

This year’s fresh crop from Rolando Sanchez’s farm, Finca Claima, continues to impress us. There's a specific flavor profile we look for when we source Huehuetenangos, and this coffee checks all the boxes. The cup is rich, buttery and bold; it’s moderately bright, and slightly complex with a warm, earthy finish. We tasted notes of dark chocolate, caramel, peach & cashew. Exactly what we want out of a classic Huehuetenango coffee!

Reminder! This coffee is raw, you must roast it before brewing

Arrival Date: April 19th, 2024. Harvest year: 2023, packed in EcoTact

Acidity & Brightness: Fairly bright and fairly sweet

Balance & Finish: Slightly complex with a warm, lingering finish

Body & Texture: Big, rich body and buttery texture

Flavors: Dark chocolate, caramel, peach & cashew

Grade: SHB EP, grown at 1100-2000 masl

Processing: Fully washed (wet) processed

Grower: Rolando Sanchez | Finca Claima

Region: La Democracia, Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Varieties: Catuai, and Caturra

Recommended Roast Range: City+ to Vienna (light-medium to dark)

This coffee has excellent range and will take a wide variety of roasts well. We like it best right at Full Medium or between the end of 1st crack and just before 2nd crack begins. Lighter roasts will bring out a bit more lemony brightness and mellow the spices. For more chocolate and caramel focus, take it a touch darker. Darker roasts will also accent more of the rich body and texture.

De La Finca Coffee - "Finca Claima is a small farm in La Democracia, Huehuetenango. The producers name is Rolando Sanchez and he has been producing coffee there for more than 50 years.

The main varietals included are Caturra and Catuai, planted at an altitude between 1,100-1200M. They have a small eco friendly wet mill at the farm and the parchment is then transported to the La Esperanza dry mill in Guatemala City.”

Guatemala Huehuetenango Rolando Sanchez

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