Sumatra Aceh Permata Gayo Mandheling

De La Finca Coffee
37 In stock
$ 8.29

This Grade 1 offering comes to us from the Permata Gayo coop in the highlands of Aceh. It checks all the boxes we look for in a great Sumatran coffee: bold, rich, syrupy and earthy complexity, what more could you ask for? In the cup we got notes of luxurious pipe tobacco, toasted marshmallow, cacao nibs, a dash of pepper and even a touch of ripe plum.

Size :
$ 8.29

Sumatran coffee has been a staple for decades and sourcing it is pretty easy since Indonesia is one of the biggest coffee exporters in the world. But a high quality, Grade 1 sorting from a reputable coop? That’s a good bit harder. Thankfully our friends at De La Finca Coffee make it super easy because they only offer one coffee from Sumatra - this one. Why? Because it’s a high quality, Grade 1 from Permata Gayo Coop, who has an excellent reputation in Aceh, a region well known for growing some of the best coffee in Sumatra. I don’t get a lotta easy choices when sourcing coffee for our lineup, but I know one when I see it!

True to form, this coffee has all the trademarks we look for in good Sumatran coffee. It’s bold and rich with a syrupy texture and just a dab of spicy complexity. While we consider this coffee to be bright for a wet-hulled coffee, folks who prefer muted acidity will find this cup just right. The usual flavor hallmarks are there too. We got toasted marshmallow sweetness, the gentle bite of cacao nibs, a dash of pepper and luxurious pipe tobacco. But this time there was an added surprise - a lovely note of ripe, fresh plum! A welcome addition to round out this tasty cup with just a dash of sweet fruit, but not too much to send fans of the traditional Sumatran profile running.

Reminder! This coffee is raw, you must roast it before brewing

Arrival Date: January 12, 2024. US Arrival: December 2023, packed in GrainPro

Acidity & Brightness: Moderately bright and a little sweet

Balance & Finish: Slightly complex with a spicy, slightly earthy finish

Body & Texture: Big, rich body and syrupy texture

Flavors: Plum, pipe tobacco, pepper, toasted marshmallow & cacao nibs

Grade: Grade 1, 16/17, grown at 1200 - 1700 masl

Certifications: Fair Trade

Processing: Wet-hulled (giling basah)

Grower: Permata Gayo Cooperative

Region: Batak, West Central Sumatra

Varieties: Catimor and Typica

Recommended Roast Range: Full City to Vienna (medium to dark)

This coffee is tailor made for folks who enjoy dark roasting and a big, bold cup so we like it best around Full City+ (medium-dark), though it will even perform well into Vienna (dark). Roasts in the Full Medium range bring out the most vibrant acidity and marshmallow while darker roasts are where the spicy notes like pipe tobacco and pepper shine.

Permata Gayo - "Permata Gayo cooperative is established on march 2006. Permata Gayo aims to improve the welfare of coffee farmers through cooperative management that is democratic, transparent and environmentally friendly in producing coffee. Our mission is to mprove the quality of programs such as building/equipping facilities in collector areas, building laboratories and cupping training. We also aim to increase the productivity of members’ land, such as the use of fertilizers in each village, education on the quality of coffee plants, provision of agricultural equipment and reduction of chemicals in coffee farming."

De La Finca - "Sumatra Mandheling coffee beans are known for having a taste that is rich, full-bodied, earthy, rustic yet have a mild acidity. While higher acidity coffees overall are a deeply satisfying brew, it can be too much for coffee drinkers who prefer a milder experience. The low acidity makes Sumatra Mandheling a great option for people with acid sensitivities. The Catimor and Typica coffee plants harvested for the natural almond, chocolate, and lemongrass notes are enhanced by wet-hulling and sun drying the coffee beans. While there is increased experimentation among processing methods in Indonesia, the cultural predominance and economic advantages of wet hulling continue to permeate the region giving its unique flavors."

Sumatra Aceh Permata Gayo Mandheling

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